Introduction The burden of post-tuberculosis (TB) lung disease (PTBLD) is steadily increasing in sub-Saharan Africa, causing disability among TB survivors. Without effective medicines, the mainstay of PTBLD treatment evolves around …
Background: The Community and District Empowerment for Scale-up (CODES) project pioneered the implementation of a comprehensive district management and community empowerment intervention in five districts in Uganda. In order to …
In a cluster-randomized trial conducted in 22 government secondary schools in Uganda, effects of a school-based intervention aimed at improving aspects of parent/caregiver-adolescent communication on sexuality were examined. The intervention …
This paper contributes to The Post-2015 MDG agenda and the Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want, by exploring and providing guiding frameworks for how private for-profit companies (PFPCs) can …
BackgroundChronic hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection affects 80-100 million people in sub-Saharan Africa and accounts for an estimated 650,000 deaths annually. The prevalence of active hepatitis B virus infection among …
Background Studies investigating the prevalence of hypertension and its correlation with anthropometric indices among adolescents are still scarce compared to those conducted in adults of greater than 40 years. So …
Hypertension is the number one risk factor for cardiovascular diseases worldwide and yet its diagnosis among adolescents, based on blood pressure percentiles which are age, height, and sex-specific, is complex. …
OBJECTIVES: To determine the correlation between anthropometric indices and the selected hemodynamic parameters among secondary adolescents aged 12-17Â years. RESULTS: Our findings showed weak positive correlation between generally body surface …