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Civil society participation in health sector planning, budgeting, and monitoring in selected districts in Uganda
Kiapi Sandra

LEIDEN Abstract: This article highlights some of the findings of a survey carried out by Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA) Uganda on health sector transparency, accountability …

Performance of self-reported adherence to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among HIV heterosexual serodiscordant couples in rural Uganda
Abaasa A, Ruzagira E, Priddy F, Haberer J, Katende D, Kibengo F M, Bahemuka U M, Barin B, Kampala A

BackgroundAdherence is one of the main determinants of PrEP effi-cacy. Most PrEP studies applied subjective adherencemeasures, which often produce overestimates and proble-matic efficacy data interpretation; creating a need formore objective …

Strengthening district-based health reporting through the district health management information software system: the Ugandan experience
Matovu JKB, Wanyenze RK, Makumbi F, Kiberu VM, Kyozira C, Mukooyo E
DOI: 10.1186/1472-6947-14-40

Background: Untimely, incomplete and inaccurate data are common challenges in planning, monitoring and evaluation of health sector performance, and health service delivery in many sub-Saharan African settings. We document Uganda's …

Barriers and opportunities to implementation of sustainable e-Health programmes in Uganda: A literature review
Kiberu VM, Mars M, Scott RE
DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v9i1.1277

Background: Most developing countries, including Uganda, have embraced the use of e-Health and m-Health applications as a means to improve primary healthcare delivery and public health for their populace. In …

Assessment of health provider readiness for telemedicine services in Uganda
Kiberu VM, Mars M, Scott RE
DOI: 10.1177/1833358317749369

Background: There are few telemedicine projects in Africa that have reached scale. One of the reasons proposed for this has been failure to assess health provider readiness for telemedicine prior …

Development of an evidence-based e-health readiness assessment framework for Uganda
Kiberu V.M., Mars M., Scott R.E.
DOI: 10.1177/1833358319839253
I Spent a Full Month Bleeding, I Thought I Was Going to Die. . .â A Qualitative Study of Experiences of Women Using Modern Contraception in Wakiso District, Uganda
Kibira Simon P. S, Muhumuza Christine, Bukenya Justine N, Atuyambe Lynn M

Introduction There is high unmet need for family planning (FP) in Uganda as well as high contraceptive discontinuation rates. These contribute to the high fertility rates that in part are …

A comparison of sexual risk behaviours and HIV seroprevalence among circumcised and uncircumcised men before and after implementation of the safe male circumcision programme in Uganda
Makumbi FE, Kibira SPS, Sandoy IF, Daniel M, Atuyambe LM
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-2668-3

Background: Although male circumcision reduces the heterosexual HIV transmission risk, its effect may be attenuated if circumcised men increase sexual risk behaviours (SRB) due to perceived low risk. In Uganda …

A comparison of sexual risk behaviours and HIV seroprevalence among circumcised and uncircumcised men before and after implementation of the safe male circumcision programme in Uganda Global health
Kibira S P.S, Makumbi F E, Daniel M, Sandøy I F, Atuyambe L M
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-2668-3

BackgroundAlthough male circumcision reduces the heterosexual HIV transmission risk, its effect may be attenuated if circumcised men increase sexual risk behaviours (SRB) due to perceived low risk. In Uganda information …

Correction: Sexual Risk Behaviours and Willingness to Be Circumcised among Uncircumcised Adult Men in Uganda
Daniel Marguerite, Kibira Simon P. S., Makumbi Fredrick, Atuyambe Lynn Muhimbuura, Sandoy Ingvild Fossgard
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