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4019 results found
Salient stakeholders: Using the salience stakeholder model to assess stakeholdersâ influence in healthcare priority setting
Kapiriri L, Razavi D S
DOI: 10.1016/j.hpopen.2021.100048

Stakeholders play an important role in health priority setting, and their roles have been discussed in the literature, mainly in relationship to their power. An emerging body of literature is …

96:oralâEquity, justice, and social values in priority setting: a qualitative study of resource allocation criteria for global donor organizations working in low-income countries
Kapiriri Lydia, Razavi S Donya, Razavi Donya
DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-ISPH.29

BackgroundThere is increasing acceptance of the importance of social values like equity and fairness in health care priority setting (PS). However, equity is difficult to define; it means different things …

A framework to support the integration of priority setting in the preparedness, alert, control and evaluation stages of a disease pandemic
Bwire G., Kapiriri L., Essue B., Nouvet E., Kiwanuka S., Sengooba F., Reeleder D.
DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2021.1931402

The COVID-19 pandemic, where the need-resource gap has necessitated decision makers in some contexts to ration access to life-saving interventions, has demonstrated the critical need for systematic and fair priority …

Priority setting and equity in COVID-19 pandemic plans: a comparative analysis of 18 African countries
Kapiriri L., Nouvet E., Kiwanuka S., Biemba G., Velez C., Razavi S.D., Abelson J., Essue B.M., Danis M., Goold S., Noorulhuda M., Sandman L., Williams I.
DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czab113

Priority setting represents an even bigger challenge during public health emergencies than routine times. This is because such emergencies compete with routine programmes for the available health resources, strain health …

Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the setting of three different chemopreventive regimens
Achan J, Mwangwa F, Kamya M, Dorsey G, Bigira V, Kapisi J, Soremekun S, Kinara S, Clark T
DOI: 10.1186/s12936-015-0583-9

Background: The burden of malaria remains high for children in parts of Africa despite the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). Chemoprevention has the potential of reducing the malaria burden; …

et al, Kakuru A., Natureeba P., Kapisi J. A., Muhindo M., Nayebare P., Makerere University College of Health Sciences Kampala Uganda

AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT Abstract: Malaria in pregnancy is associated with maternal morbidity, placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes. However, data are limited on the relationships between longitudinal measure of malaria during …

Relationships between infection with Plasmodium falciparum during pregnancy, measures of placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes NCT02163447 NCT
Kakuru A, Natureeba P, Dorsey G, Olwoch P, Kamya M R, Ategeka J, Jagannathan P, Clark T D, Nakalembe M, Muhindo M K, Kapisi J, Havlir D V, Nayebare P, Awori P, Rizzuto G, Muehlenbachs A, Ssekitoleko R, Gaw S L
DOI: 10.1186/s12936-017-2040-4

BackgroundMalaria in pregnancy has been associated with maternal morbidity, placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes. However, data are limited on the relationships between longitudinal measures of malaria during pregnancy, measures …

Relationships between infection with Plasmodium falciparum during pregnancy, measures of placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes
Kamya Moses R., Kakuru Abel, Jagannathan Prasanna, Nakalembe Miriam, Clark Tamara D., Dorsey Grant, Muhindo Mary K., Havlir Diane V., KapisiJames, Natureeba Paul, Awori Patricia, Ssekitoleko Richard, Olwoch Peter, Ategeka John, Nayebare Patience, Rizzuto Gabrielle, Muehlenbachs Atis, Gaw Stephanie L.

MEDLINE Abstract: BACKGROUND:<BR>Malaria in pregnancy has been associated with maternal morbidity, placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes. However, data are limited on the relationships between longitudinal measures of malaria during …

RE: Severe mental illness at ART initiation is associated with worse retention in care among HIV-infected Ugandan adults by JM Nachega et al. (2013), TMIH 18, pp 53-57
Kapoor S
DOI: 10.1111/tmi.12243

Dear Sirs,We thank Shailendra Kapoor for his commentary onour publication titled âSevere mental illness atantiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation is associated withworse retention in HIV care among Ugandan adultsâ(Nachega et al. …

Improving TB case notification in northern Uganda: evidence of a quality improvement-guided active case finding intervention
Sensalire S, Karamagi E, Muhire M, Kisamba H, Byabagambi J, Rahimzai M, Mugabe F, George U, Calnan J, Seyoum D, Birabwa E
DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3786-2

BackgroundStrategies to identify and treat undiagnosed prevalent cases that have not sought diagnostic services on their own, are necessary to treat TB in patients earlier and interrupt transmission. Late presentation …

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