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4019 results found
Clinical Predictors of Intubation and In-Hospital Death in Lung Cancer Patients Admitted for Acute Radiation Pneumonitis: A Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Analysis
Kirkland R. S., Kole A. J., McDonald A. M., Boggs H., Spencer S. A., Dobelbower M. C., Willey C. D., Batra H., Wei B., Thachuthara-George J. T., Stahl J. M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.06.1388
Predictors of In-Hospital Death in Patients with Lung Cancer Admitted for Acute Radiation Pneumonitis: A Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Analysis
Batra H., Wei B., Kirkland R.S., Kole A.J., Boggs D.H., Spencer S.A., Dobelbower M.C., Willey C.D., Thachuthara-George J.T., McDonald A.M., Kenzik K.M., Stahl J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cllc.2021.01.016

Background: Radiation pneumonitis (RP) is a dose-limiting and potentially fatal toxicity of thoracic radiotherapy most often seen in patients treated for primary lung cancer. The purpose of this study was …

Neurodevelopmental, cognitive, behavioural and mental health impairments following childhood malnutrition: a systematic review
Kirolos Amir, Goyheneix Magdalena, Mike Kalmus Eliasz, Chisala Mphatso, Lissauer Samantha, Gladstone Melissa, Kerac Marko
DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-009330

BackgroundSevere childhood malnutrition impairs growth and development short-term, but current understanding of long-term outcomes is limited. We aimed to identify studies assessing neurodevelopmental, cognitive, behavioural and mental health outcomes following …

Malaria Burden in Pregnancy at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala; Uganda
Wahlgren Mats, Kironde Fred, Mirembe Florence, Namusoke Fatuma, Rasti Niloofar

Pregnancy-associated malaria is a major global health concern. To assess the Plasmodium falciparum burden in pregnancy we conducted a cross-sectional study at Mulago Hospital in Kampala; Uganda. Malaria prevalence by …

Determinants of Male Circumcision for HIV/AIDS Prevention in East Central Uganda
Kwagala B, Kironde B, Wamala R
DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2016/v20i1.8

Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) is one the effective strategies for reducing HIV transmission. The paper examines factors associated with SMC for HIV prevention, based on 4,979 males from East Central …

Evaluating a Union between Health Care and Conservation: a Mobile Clinic Improves Park-People Relations, Yet Poaching Increases
Kirumira D, Baranga D, Hartter J, Valenta K, Tumwesigye C, Kagoro W, Chapman CA
DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_17_72

It is widely viewed that by providing employment or services to neighbouring communities, a protected area may increase positive attitudes towards conservation and discourage encroachment, but this is rarely tested. …

Strategies used by facilities in Uganda to integrate family planning into HIV care: what works and what doesn't.
Kirunda I., Livesley N., Zainab A., Jacinto A., Kasule K., Kinoti S., Bornstein T.
Population-based survey of overweight and obesity and the associated factors in peri-urban and rural Eastern Uganda
Wamani H, Kirunda BE, Tylleskar T, Fadnes LT, Van den Broeck J
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-2506-7

Background: In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the rising prevalence of overweight, obesity and non-communicable diseases co-exists with the high burden of under-nutrition. The paucity of data on adulthood overweight and obesity, …

Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Exposure of Free-Range Poultry to Avian Influenza Viruses in Important Bird Areas in Uganda
Wabwire-Mangen F, Kirunda H, Kabi F, Muwereza N, Kabuuka T, Kerfua SD, Kasaija PD, Byarugaba DK
DOI: 10.1637/10874-052714-Reg

Avian influenza (AI) viruses cause disease in domestic and wild bird species. Although these viruses have been reported to occur in poultry in Uganda, risk factors for their introduction and …

Objectively Assessed Physical Activity and Associated Factors Among Adults in Peri-Urban and Rural Eastern Uganda: A Population-based Study
Wamani H, Kirunda BE, Tylleskar T, Fadnes LT, Van den Broeck J
DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2016-0025

Background: Data on physical inactivity, a known risk factor for noncommunicable diseases and its correlates in sub-Saharan Africa are almost absent. We assessed physical activity patterns and associated factors among …

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