MEDLINE Abstract: We conducted a prospective study to determine which solid medium is the most reliable overall and after two months of therapy to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTB). MTB …
Background. Diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and prompt initiation of effective treatment rely on access to rapid and reliable drug-susceptibility testing. Efficient specimen transport systems and appropriate training on specimen referral …
Most patients who develop hepatocellular carcinoma reside in resource-poor countries, a category that includes most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Age-standardised incidence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma in western, central, eastern, and …
Malaria epidemics represent a significant public health problem in the highlands of Africa. Many of these epidemics occur in low resource settings, where the development of an effective system for …
Abstract: This study began by exploring the factors that influence the sexual health information sources available to Ugandan adolescents and how they decide what sources to use. Guided by participatory …
Background:Reducing child mortality is a WHO Millennium Development Goal. Child mortality rate in Uganda in 2009 was 128. In a rural hospital observations on the paediatric ward were being performed …
The World Report on Disability recommends more involvement of people with disabilities in research. However, the lead article by Wylie, McAllister, Davidson, and Marshall (2013) has not addressed issues relating …
Background: A quality improvement initiative was created during the 2014 Africa Goal campaign, which uses live screenings of FIFA World Cup football matches as a platform for local organizations to …
Chronic lung disease is a huge, growing, but under-reported problem in Africa. Following a survey in rural Uganda, which found 16% of the adult population had COPD, we developed a …