Background. Although households of tuberculosis (TB) cases represent a setting for intense transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, household exposure accounts for <20% of transmission within a community. The aim of this …
Abstract Introduction: Head and neck squamous cell carci-noma is the seventh most frequent type of cancer in theworld, but its prevalence in African countries is about two-to four-folds higher than …
Introduction: Prediction of complications is an essential part of risk management in surgery. Knowing which patient to operate and those at high risk of developing complications contributes significantly to the …
Despite the presence of several funded research projects at academic and research institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, the quality of the pre/post grant award process in these institutions is inadequate. There …
Background Multiple red blood cell (RBC) variants appear to offer protection against the most severe forms of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Associations between these variants and uncomplicated malaria are less clear. …
Background: Despite longstanding guidelines endorsing isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for people with HIV, uptake is low across sub-Saharan Africa. Mid-level health managers oversee IPT programmes nationally; interventions aimed at this …
Background: Despite longstanding guidelines endorsing isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for persons with HIV, uptake is low across sub-Saharan Africa. Mid-level health managers oversee IPT programs nationally; interventions aimed at this …
Background: Katakwi district is one of the rural districts in eastern Uganda in Teso Sub Region.The district is heavily infested with filarial worms a major cause for hydrocoele and elephantiasis …
Introduction: Colorectal polyps usually present with rectal bleeding and are associated with increased risk of colorectal carcinoma. Evaluation and management in resource-poor areas present unique challenges.Presentation of case: This 15 …
Background: We sought to understand the challenges in accessing pediatric surgical care in the context of the "three delays" model at the Pediatric Surgery Outpatient Clinic (PSOPC) at a tertiary …