Randomized clinical trials have demonstrated efficacy of short course anti retroviral therapy in the peripartum period for reduction of HIV transmission from mother to child by up to 50%. In …
Introduction: The global human resources crisis in the rural health sector is characterized by an unwillingness or inability of health workers to locate to a rural area, and/or function effectively …
Background: Uganda has an acute problem of inadequate human resources partly due to health professionals' unwillingness to work in a rural environment. One strategy to address this problem is to …
Through a cross-sectional study conducted at Kabale Regional Hospital, among 111 men accused of rape and admitted for forensic examination from June 2009 to June 2010, we assessed whether the …
MEDLINE Abstract: BACKGROUND: Analysis of severe maternal morbidity (maternal near misses) provides information on the quality of care. We assessed the prevalence/incidence of maternal near miss, maternal mortality and case …
Background: Community-based education (CBE) is part of the training curriculum for most health workers in Uganda. Most programs have a stated purpose of strengthening clinical skills, medical knowledge, communication skills, …
MEDLINE Abstract: INTRODUCTION: High-risk sexual behaviors such as multiple sexual partners, inconsistent condom use, acquisition of sexually transmitted infection (STIs), and non-use of contraceptives persist in HIV patients undergoing care. …
Objective: To gain an understanding of how obstetric complications affect the lives and livelihoods of survivors. Methods: A phenomenological study was conducted between April and August 2013 at Mulago Hospital, …
BackgroundClient satisfaction is a common outcome measure for quality of care and goal for quality improvement in healthcare. We assessed womenâs perceptions of the structure, process and outcome of intrapartum …