In developing countries, significant resource constraints (e.g., funding and human resource limitations) hamper the effective delivery of health commodities from upstream suppliers to the last-mile, leading to supply chain failures …
Purpose: To understand the role of extended family in responding to problems of AID-orphaned children and adolescents in Uganda, the study examines who are the primary caregivers of AIDS-orphaned children …
This dissertation examined savings attitudes and financial asset accumulation of poor and vulnerable school-going AIDS-orphaned adolescents involved in a subsidized matched child savings program in Uganda and being cared for …
PurposeâThis present study tests the proposition that an economic strengthening interventionfor families caring for AIDS-orphaned adolescents would positively affect adolescent futureorientation and psychosocial outcomes through increased asset-accumulation (in this case, …
Some evidence points to the positive effects of asset accumulation programs on mental health of children living in low-resource contexts. However, no evidence exists as to why and how such …
Objective: We investigated the prevalence and pattern of electroencephalographic (EEG) features of epilepsy and the associated factors in Africans with active convulsive epilepsy (ACE). Methods: We characterized electroencephalographic features and …
Despite the great success of the worldwide Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), there are still 2 million third world children who die every year from the vaccine-preventable diseases. While the …
Rationale: A renewed focus on women's and girls' empowerment in the era of Sustainable Development Goals reflects the belief that empowerment is central to health and development. Sexual and reproductive …
The Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH) has been met with criticism for reifying Western conceptions of mental disorders and diverting resources from the investigation, intervention, and education regarding the …