Insecticide decay rate on different wall surfaces is of importance to indoor residual spray (IRS) programs used as a malaria control intervention. Past IRS operations showed increasing populations of endophilic …
Background: In 2003 the Uganda Ministry of Health (MoH) introduced the District League Table (DLT) to track district performance. This review of the DLT is intended to add to the …
Background: One third of all child deaths globally are associ-ated with malnutrition and 11% child deaths are due to diarrhealdiseases. Children with HIV and malnutrition are therefore morevulnerable to severe …
This is HIV/TB end of project report covering the period between April 2016 andDecember, 2017. The project was implemented in the six districts of Soroti, Serere,Dokolo, Kaberamaido, Amolatar and Apac …
This is end of project report covering the entire period of project activityimplementation. The project covered the following activities; District Entry meeting,Community stakeholder CBO mapping & validation, selection meeting, Capacitybuilding …
A 3-year-old Ugandan boy presented with 18 months of constipation and 12 months of pneumaturia andfecaluria. Physical exam revealed abdominal distension and a palpable mass anterior to the rectum.Previous contrast …
BackgroundThere is a significant unmet need for children's surgical care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Multidisciplinary collaboration is required to advance the surgical and anesthesia care of children's surgical …
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT Abstract: <p> The analysis of contraceptive calendar data offers a valuable and useful approach to enhancing our understanding of patterns of contraceptive use in the developing world. Effective …
Introduction: the principal burden of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most common malignancy in women affecting 500,000 women each year with an …
Background/Objectives Adequate dietary intake for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients is central in preventing or delaying onset of diabetes related complications. This study used dietary serving scores (DSS) to …