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4019 results found
Outcomes of dorsal and ventral buccal graft urethroplasty at a tertiary hospital in Uganda
Kaggwa S., Galukande M., Dabanja H., Luweesi H.

MEDLINE Abstract: Purpose. Although the use of buccal mucosa in substitution urethroplasty has been practiced for some years, it has not been free of controversy over which surgical technique is …

Urinary Continence Outcomes after Puboprostatic Ligament Preserving Open Retropubic Radical Prostatectomy at a Sub-Saharan Hospital
Kaggwa S., Galukande M.

MEDLINE Abstract: Background. Open retropubic radical prostatectomy is a commonly performed procedure for clinically localized prostate cancer. The demand for high level functional outcomes after therapy is increasing especially for …

An Adolescentâs Use of Veterinary Medicines: A Case Report Exploring Addiction
Rukundo G Z, Ashaba S, Harms S, Kaggwa M M, Nuwamanya S
DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2021.1873466

This case report describes a 17-year-old high school student serious suicide attempt using aninjectable composite of veterinary medications (vitamins, vaccines, antibiotics, and antihelminthics)typically used to treat chickens. The use of …

Excessive eating and weight gain:A rare post-acute COVID-19 syndrome
Kaggwa M M, Favina A, Najjuka S M, Zeba Z, Mamun M A, Bongomin F
DOI: 10.1016/j.dsx.2021.102252

The coronavirus disease - 2019 (COVID-19) is a multisystem illness associated with several metabolic derangements. Studies report that post-acute COVID-19 syndromes (PACs) continue to evolve, however, polyphagia is not uncommon. …

Patients' perspectives on the experience of absconding from a psychiatric hospital: a qualitative study
Rukundo GZ, Ashaba S, Harms S, Kaggwa MM, Acai A
DOI: 10.1186/s12888-021-03382-0

Background Absconding (i.e., escaping) is common among patients with mental illness admitted to psychiatric hospitals. Patients use various strategies to make absconding successful due to the experiences faced during admission. …

Erratum: Correction to: Gambling-related suicide in East African Community countries: evidence from press media reports (BMC public health (2022) 22 1 (158))
Rukundo G.Z., Kaggwa M.M., Mamun M.A., Najjuka S.M., Muwanguzi M., Kule M., Nkola R., Favina A., Kihumuro R.B., Munaru G., Arinaitwe I., Griffiths M.D.
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-12691-2
Gambling-related suicide in East African Community countries: evidence from press media reports
Rukundo GZ, Favina A, Kaggwa MM, Mamum MA, Najjuka SM, Muwanguzi M, Kule M, Nkola R, Kihumuro RB, Munaru G, Arinaitwe I, Griffiths MD
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-12306-2

Background Gambling activities and associated mental health problems have become a topic of increased concern globally. Many individuals with a severe gambling disorder have gambling-related suicidality. However, no study has …

Evidence-based monitoring and evaluation of the faith-based approach to HIV prevention among Christian and Muslim youth in Wakiso district in Uganda
Guwatudde D, Kagimu M, Kaye S, Ainomugisha D, Lutalo I, Walakira Y, Rwabukwali C
DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v12i2.7

Background: The Islamic Medical Association of Uganda, has been implementing the faith-based approach to HIV prevention without baseline data on expected positive outcomes.Objectives: To establish evidence-based baseline data on expected …

Religiosity for HIV prevention in Uganda: a case study among Christian youth in Wakiso district
Guwatudde D, Kagimu M, Kaye S, Ainomugisha D, Walakira Y, Rwabukwali C

Background: Utilization of religious institutions is one of the strategies for HIV prevention in Uganda. There is limited data on the association between religiosity and HIV infection rates.Objective: To determine …

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