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4019 results found
Mosquitoes of Zika Forest, Uganda: Species Composition and Relative Abundance
Lutwama JJ, Akol AM, Kaddumukasa MA, Mutebi JP, Masembe C
DOI: 10.1603/ME12269

Mosquito collections were conducted in Zika Forest near Entebbe, Uganda, from July 2009 through June 2010 using CO2-baited light traps, ovitraps, and human-baited catches. In total, 163,790 adult mosquitoes belonging …

Parasite Specific Antibody Increase Induced by an Episode of Acute P. falciparum Uncomplicated Malaria
Katabira Elly, Kaddumukasa Mark, Lwanira Catherine, Lugaajju Allan, Persson Kristina E. M, Wahlgren Mats, Kironde Fred

IntroductionThere is no approved vaccine for malaria, and precisely how human antibody responses to malaria parasite components and potential vaccine molecules are developed and maintained remains poorly defined. In this …

Community knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy in rural and urban Mukono district, Uganda: A cross-sectional study
Mugenyi L, Sajatovic M, Kaddumukasa M, Ddumba E, Katabira E, Furlan A, Kayima J, Kakooza A, Kaddumukasa MN, Lhatoo S
DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.10.023

Introduction: The lack of adequate knowledge poses a barrier in the provision of appropriate treatment and care of patients with epilepsy within the community. The purpose of this study was …

Influence of sodium consumption and associated knowledge on poststroke hypertension in Uganda
Sajatovic M, Kaddumukasa M, Katabira E, Goldstein LB, Pundik S, Kaddumukasa MN
DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000003117

Objective:We assessed 24-hour urine sodium levels as an index of dietary salt consumption and its association with dietary salt knowledge and hypertension among poststroke patients with and without a history …

Prevalence and incidence of neurological disorders among adult Ugandans in rural and urban Mukono district; a cross-sectional study
Mugenyi L, Sajatovic M, Kaddumukasa M, Ddumba E, Katabira E, Furlan A, Kaddumukasa MN, Devereaux M
DOI: 10.1186/s12883-016-0732-y

Background: The burden of neurological diseases is increasing in developing countries. However, there is a prominent scarcity of literature on the incidence of neurological diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. This study …

A cross-sectional population survey on stroke knowledge and attitudes in Greater Kampala, Uganda
Katabira Elly, Kaddumukasa Mark, Kayima James, Nakibuuka Jane, Mugenyi Leviticus, Ddumba Edward, Blixen Carol, Welter Elisabeth, Sajatovic Martha, Alizadehkhaiyat Omid
DOI: 10.1080/2331205X.2017.1327129

<italic>Background</italic>: Stroke is a neurological condition with rapidly increasing burden in many low- and middle income countries. Africa is particularly hard-hit due to rapid population growth, patterns of industrialization, adoption …

Author response: Influence of sodium consumption and associated knowledge on poststroke hypertension in Uganda
Kaddumukasa M.N., Goldstein L.B.
DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000003729
Influence of Dietary Salt Knowledge, Perceptions, and Beliefs on Consumption Choices after Stroke in Uganda
Sajatovic M, Kaddumukasa M, Katabira E, Goldstein LB, Pundik S, Kaddumukasa MN
DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2017.07.016

Background: Previous research on Uganda's poststroke population revealed that their level of dietary salt knowledge did not lead to healthier consumption choices. Purpose: Identify barriers and motivators for healthy dietary …

Influence of physicochemical parameters on storage stability: Microbiological quality of fresh unpasteurized fruit juices
Kaddumukasa PP, Imathiu SM, Mathara JM, Nakavuma JL
DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.500

Fresh juices rich in health and nutritional benefits are valued for their fresh flavor, taste, and aroma. These juices' quality however is affected by factors like temperature, light, and microbiological …

Modifiable lifestyle risk factors for stroke among a high risk hypertensive population in Greater Kampala, Uganda; A cross-sectional study
Sajatovic M, Kaddumukasa M, Katabira E, Kayima J, Nakibuuka J, Blixen C, Welter E
DOI: 10.1186/s13104-017-3009-7

ObjectiveTo describe the modifiable lifestyle risk factors for stroke among a high risk population for stroke. Africa suffers from rapid population growth, adoption of harmful western diets, and increased prevalence …

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