Mosquito collections were conducted in Zika Forest near Entebbe, Uganda, from July 2009 through June 2010 using CO2-baited light traps, ovitraps, and human-baited catches. In total, 163,790 adult mosquitoes belonging …
IntroductionThere is no approved vaccine for malaria, and precisely how human antibody responses to malaria parasite components and potential vaccine molecules are developed and maintained remains poorly defined. In this …
Introduction: The lack of adequate knowledge poses a barrier in the provision of appropriate treatment and care of patients with epilepsy within the community. The purpose of this study was …
Objective:We assessed 24-hour urine sodium levels as an index of dietary salt consumption and its association with dietary salt knowledge and hypertension among poststroke patients with and without a history …
Background: The burden of neurological diseases is increasing in developing countries. However, there is a prominent scarcity of literature on the incidence of neurological diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. This study …
<italic>Background</italic>: Stroke is a neurological condition with rapidly increasing burden in many low- and middle income countries. Africa is particularly hard-hit due to rapid population growth, patterns of industrialization, adoption …
Background: Previous research on Uganda's poststroke population revealed that their level of dietary salt knowledge did not lead to healthier consumption choices. Purpose: Identify barriers and motivators for healthy dietary …
Fresh juices rich in health and nutritional benefits are valued for their fresh flavor, taste, and aroma. These juices' quality however is affected by factors like temperature, light, and microbiological …
ObjectiveTo describe the modifiable lifestyle risk factors for stroke among a high risk population for stroke. Africa suffers from rapid population growth, adoption of harmful western diets, and increased prevalence …