Global malaria burden is reducing with effective control interventions, and surveillance is vital to maintain progress. Health management information system (HMIS) data provide a powerful surveillance tool; however, its estimates …
Objective: To determine whether nutrition education targeting the child-feeding practices of low-income rural caregivers will reduce anaemia and improve vitamin A nutriture of the young children in their care.Design: A …
BackgroundHealth systems need timely and reliable access to essential medicines and health commodities, but problems with access are common in many settings. Mobile technologies offer potential low-cost solutions to the …
Acute surgical care services in rural Sub-Saharan Africa suffer from human resource and systemic constraints. Developing emergency care systems and task sharing aspects of acute surgical care addresses many of …
Substantial investments have been made in clinical social franchising to improve quality of care of private facilities in low-and middle-income countries but concerns have emerged that the benefits fail to …
MEDLINE Abstract: Severe malaria is frequently managed without access to laboratory testing. We report on the performance of point-of-care tests used to guide the management of a cohort of 179 …
Background: Despite the worthy intentions of international health partnerships between high-income countries and countries with developing economies, the tangible benefits are rarely evaluated, limiting the assessment of the achievements of …
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) remain a leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Apabetalone is an orally available inhibitor of bromodomain & extraterminal (BET) …