Neurosurgical capacity is extremely deficient in East African countries where 27 neurosurgeons serve more than 250 million people. To build capacity, the Duke University Medical Center and New Mulago Hospital …
Neurosurgery in Uganda was virtually non-existent up until late 1960s. This changed when Dr. Jovan Kiryabwire spearheaded development of a neurosurgical unit at Mulago Hospital in Kampala. His work ethic …
Background There has been no study assessing cranial ultrasound (cUS) scans in newborn infants born in equatorial Africa.Objective To assess the cUS scans of apparently well newborn term Ugandan infants …
Background: Few cUS studies of cerebral measurements are available for normal term infants. Normative data is important for evaluating cerebral structure size in symptomatic term infants and assessing preterm brain …
Background: Newborn neurological examinations have mostly been developed in high-resource settings with cohorts comprising predominantly white Caucasian infants. No comparison has been made with different populations.Aims: To (i) establish the …
Background: Despite the worthy intentions of international health partnerships between high-income countries and countries with developing economies, the tangible benefits are rarely evaluated, limiting the assessment of the achievements of …
Alcohol affects the transmission and treatment of HIV, yet may be under-reported in resource-limited settings We compared self-reported alcohol consumption with levels of plasma carbohydrate-deficient transferin (%CDT), a biomarker of …
Background: Alcohol is heavily consumed in sub-Saharan Africa and affects HIV transmission and treatment and is difficult to measure. Our goal was to examine the test characteristics of a direct …
Background: Alcohol use has a detrimental impact on the HIV epidemic, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. HIV counseling and testing (HCT) may provide a contact opportunity to intervene with hazardous alcohol …