This case tackles one of the biggest challenges which the health sector in Ugandafaces: failure by the State to fully realise the sexual and reproductive healthand rights of thousands of …
Background: In Uganda, Menstrual Hygiene and Management (MHM) among adolescent girls in primary and secondary schools is fraught with considerable stigma and discrimination. With support from AmplifyChange, Community Concerns Uganda …
The right to healthcare is a fundamental human right. It requires states to put in place policies and plans that will lead to available and accessible health services for their …
AJOL Abstract: Background. Understanding the drivers of âprovider behaviour has been highlighted as one of the six domains of behaviour change in strengthening healthcare systems.Objectives. To assess changes in healthcare …
Background: Sickle cell anaemia is a common global life-threatening haematological disorder. Most affected births occur in sub-Saharan Africa where children usually go undiagnosed and die early in life. Uganda's national …
Aim: LIRA technique (Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Rectus Aponeuroplasty) was described in 2018 in order to reduce the tension in the midline as an alternative to defect closure (CD) in Laparoscopic Ventral …
Background: Self-medication with antibiotics among households is common in Uganda. However, there are limited studies evaluating self-purchasing of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections (ARI) in the under-fives. Consequently, the objective …
Introduction: understanding motorcyclists' on-the-road behaviour is critical for developing and evaluating interventions specifically targeting them. Risky on-the-road behaviours have historically been subdivided into errors and violations of the rules of …
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) remain a leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Apabetalone is an orally available inhibitor of bromodomain & extraterminal (BET) …