Closing the defect (CD) during laparoscopic ventral hernia repair began to be performed in order to decrease seroma, to improve the functionality of the abdominal wall, and to decrease the …
AbstractBackground: Despite making great progress in reducing under five mortality in the last three decades. Uganda stillranks high among countries with the highest under five mortality rates. More than a …
Background: Optimal adherence to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention involves aligning consistent PrEP use with periods of risk to achieve prevention-effective adherence. Prevention-effective adherence is predicated on individuals …
The Constitution of Uganda provides in Article 22(2) that âNo person has the rightto terminate the life of an unborn child except as may be authorized by lawâ. Twentyyears later, …
BackgroundLaboratory infrastructure is limited in Uganda; syndromic case management is used to treat sexually transmitted infections (STI). Progress in addressing the HIV epidemic is threatened by uncontrolled STI transmission. We …
Background and context: The Royal College of Midwives is engaged in a long-term twinning partnershipwith the Uganda Private Midwives Association. Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the worldand …
Reviews the book, The secret: Love, marriage, and HIV by Jennifer S. Hirsch and her coauthors (see record [rid]2009-07385-000[/rid]). Extramarital sex is common, but not commonly studied despite its practical …
Objectives: To determine the incidence and riskfactors of hospital-acquired suspected adverse drugreactions (ADRs) among Ugandan inpatients. We alsoconstructed risk scores to predict and qualitativelyassess for peculiarities between low-risk and high-riskADR …
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) remain a leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Apabetalone is an orally available inhibitor of bromodomain & extraterminal (BET) …