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4019 results found
"The Female Face" of HIV/AIDS as an Ethical Challenge to the Catholic Church in Uganda: Lessons of Catholic Social Teaching
Kikoba Athanasius

Since the emergence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Uganda in the 1980s, it has become increasingly evident that the HIV/AIDS scourge disproportionately affects more women and girls than men and …

Prediction of admission to a low-resource sub-Saharan hospital by mental status, mobility and oxygen saturation recorded on arrival: A prospective observational study
Kellett J., Lumala A., Kikomeko B., Mutiibwa G., Nabatanzi P.
DOI: 10.7861/clinmed.2021-0325

Background The decision to admit patients to hospital in low-resource settings have been poorly investigated. Aim We aimed to determine the association of a disposition score determined on arrival with …

Stakeholders' perceptions of the nutrition and dietetics needs and the requisite professional competencies in Uganda: a cross-sectional mixed methods study
Kikomeko PK, Ochola S, Kaaya AN, Ogada I, Birungi TL, Nakitto P
DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06090-3

BackgroundEffective implementation of nutrition and dietetics interventions necessitates professionals in these fields to possess the requisite competencies for health systems performance. This study explored the stakeholders' perceptions of the community …

A prospective, internal validation of an emergency patient triage tool for use in a low resource setting
Kellett J., Lumala A., Kikomeko B., Mutiibwa G., Nabatanzi P.
DOI: 10.1016/j.afjem.2022.05.003

Aim: Assess the performance of a simple triage disposition score based on mental status, mobility and either oxygen saturation or respiratory rate by three principal metrics: 24 h mortality, the …

A good death in Uganda: Survey of needs for palliative care for terminally ill people in urban areas
Kikule Ekiria
DOI: 10.1136/bmj.327.7408.192

Identified the palliative care needs of terminally ill people in Uganda. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted of 173 terminally ill patients registered with home care programmes in and …

Estimating the annual entomological inoculation rate for Plasmodium falciparum transmitted by Anopheles gambiae s.l. using three sampling methods in three sites in Uganda
Kamya MR, Kigozi R, Kilama M, Drakeley C, Lindsay SW, Greenhouse B, Smith DL, Dorsey G, Staedke SG, Yeka A, Lavoy G, Donnelly MJ, Hutchinson R
DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-111

Background: The Plasmodium falciparum entomological inoculation rate (PfEIR) is a measure of exposure to infectious mosquitoes. It is usually interpreted as the number of P. falciparum infective bites received by …

How many mosquito nets are needed to achieve universal coverage? Recommendations for the quantification and allocation of long-lasting insecticidal nets for mass campaigns
Kilian Albert, Boulay Marc, Koenker Hannah, Lynch Matthew
DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-9-330

Background Long-lasting insecticidal nets are an effective tool for malaria prevention, and "universal coverage" with such nets is increasingly the goal of national malaria control programmes. However, national level campaigns …

Bir Anti Obezite ilacının Spektrofotometrik ve Kromatografik yöntemler Ile farmasötik Preparatlar ve Biyolojik sıvılarda Miktar Tayini
Kılıçarslan Gökçe

Bu çalıÅma ile literatürde mevcut bulunan bazı Sibutramin miktar tayini yöntemlerine alternatif olarak yeni yöntemler geliÅtirilmiÅtir. Bu maksatla, Sibutramin etken maddesini içeren ticari bir ilacın (Reductil kapsül, 15 mg), farklı …

Teaching Trauma Care: An Evaluation of the Care Corps Training Program in Northern Uganda
Kilman Rebekah Suzanne

Program evaluation is essential to maintaining effective and ethical psychosocial programs in locations that have experienced armed conflict. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Care Corps International, a …

Determinants and time to blood transfusion among thermal burn patients admitted to Mulago Hospital
Ssentongo R, Kilyewala C, Alenyo R
DOI: 10.1186/s13104-017-2580-2

BackgroundBlood transfusion, a practice under re-evaluation in general, remains common among thermal burn patients due to the hematological alterations associated with burns that manifest as anemia. Today advocacy is for …

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