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Project Brief for introduction of a new non-toxic Biological Larvicide to Control Mosquitoes in Uganda

Published: March 10, 2025
Kato Agapitus Babumba

Innovation and Development Corporation (abbreviated as InRAD for purposes of this document) is desirous of introducing to Uganda a new non-toxic powder (larvicide) to combat and destroy Mosquito Larvae. The powder shall be referred to under the brand name SAFE®.SAFE®, is an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and effective mosquito larvicide. The product goes into action on mosquito larvae before they unfold, much less problematic than trying to kill adult mosquitoes. Mosquito larvae are protected by an oily cocoon and many larvicides are not able to penetrate it. Most of the products on the market that can do that are all-toxic and cause toxic effects to the water and to the entire aquatic environment. The SAFE® powder has the capacity to 100% kill mosquito larvae two hours safely in very natural way.ES .3Summary of SAFE® producta) Kills mosquitoes, without harming the environment.b) 100% kill in 1 to 2 hours, safely, Effective in very low dosages.c) SAFE® is non âtype specificâ, Equally effective on ALL types of mosquitoes.d) Affects larval stages of the mosquitoesâ life cycle.e) Cost Efficient, compared to most of the existing products in market.f)The product is very safe, no special clothing, eyewear, footwear or gloves are required to deploy. Product is safe to ingest.g) Non-toxic product, not a chemical, a natural solution to an age-old problem. Our product does not rely on toxic chemicals, which further harm the affected people- ours is pure, natural, green and safe.ES .4Main Potential ImpactsES .4.1Potential Positive ImpactsThe project, will have a number of positive impacts in the area, which include:a) InRAD, will enter into an environmental compliance regime with NEMA;b) Marketability and subsequent use of SAFE® will not be halted by authorities and thus will continue contributing to:⢠Creation of employment both directly and indirectly;⢠Protection against malaria for people in Uganda;⢠Anticipated reduction in the incidence of adult morbidity, miscarriages, low birth- weight and adverse effects on fetal neurodevelopment;⢠Reduction in the incidence of malaria-related childhood anemia, complications, organ failure and death;⢠Attract significant program support from the government and NGOs for its efficient, effective and safe implementation;⢠No anticipated residual effects to other life forms including to fish, birds or plants.⢠Eco-labelling (green labelling) of SAFE® designed to influence consumer opinion and market behavior.ES .4.2Potential Negative ImpactsSAFE® has no potential to affect non-target organisms within the ecosystem. SAFE® âs active ingredient is Chlorophyll, which is a natural component of plants and algae.ES .4.3Principle Mitigation MeasuresThe principle mitigation measures covering SAFE®âs application/use phase elaborated in Chapter 8, section 8.5.ES .4.4AlternativesAnalysis of alternatives was helpful in the evaluation of options to inform the most environmentally friendly alternatives, which maximize economic, social and environmental benefits resulting into minimal environmental impacts. To establish an environmentally sound preferred option for achieving the objectives of the proposed project and the findings presented in Chapter 7.ES .4.5Environmental Monitoring and ManagementThe introduction of the new non-toxic powder to combat and destroy Mosquito Larvae, in Uganda does not require to undergo the full EIA process because it is a chlorophyll-based product that has been rigorously tested, piloted and proven by MoH in collaboration with NEMA in the last 8 years in Uganda.Generally, SAFE® represents a new approach to Malaria vector control in Uganda. It offers a good alternative for a selective insect pest control that is in harmony with the existing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. SAFE® generally has a good margin of safety for most non-biota including invertebrates, fish, birds, and other wildlife. ES .4.6Recommendations and ConclusionThe manufacture/application of SAFE® mosquito larvicide very beneficial on the national economy. Although the proposed manufacture/introduction of Mosquito larvae pesticide into Uganda could result in some negative environmental impacts in case of improper operation, the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring plans would minimize or prevent the occurrence of the most significant negative impacts.In the event of approval of the project to manufacture and use the larvicide within Uganda, InRAD is committed to ensuring implementation of all the suggested mitigation measures and the procedures laid out in the Environmental Social Management Plan and EIA certificate conditions of approval. InRAD shall also obtain all the necessary permits and licenses from relevant agencies in conformity with the law.ES .4.7Project BriefAs noted in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regulations (1998) not all development projects may necessarily cause adverse effects on the environment because of differences in scale of the operation, nature of the proposed project and its location. Therefore, not all proposed projects requiring EIA shall undergo the entire EIA process, nor necessarily the same level of assessment. SAFE® larvicide has for the last 8 years undergone laboratory and field evaluation tests that take care of the requirements of an EIA, qualifying it not to undergo an entire EIA. HERE PUT THAT LETTER WE WROTE ASKING NEMAâ¦â¦â¦.BY PS??? Appendix B?????In response, NEMA Letter to PSâ¦â¦â¦â¦.In accordance, a project brief has been prepared. Therefore, this project brief includes the overall environmental impacts associated with the proposed project, to consider mitigation measures, and suggest recommendations on the best measures to be implemented. The Project brief also identifies mitigation measures and recommendations to minimize the negative impacts and optimize. Also, included in the project brief are comments, issues and concerns from the several stakeholders consulted during the SAFE® larvicide evaluationâ¦..OBTAIN FROM NCRI REPORTSES .4.8Purpose of the Project BriefThe overall purpose of the Project Brief therefore, is to provide the competent authority (NEMA) and lead agencies with sufficient information in order to approve the proposed production of SAFE® Mosquito larvicide in Uganda, and if approved under what terms. The National Environment Act CAP 153 section 19 enshrines the requirement for an Environmental Assessment into Uganda laws. Under section 19 (3) of the NEA Cap 153, all projects or policies that may, are likely to or will have significant impacts on the environment shall be subjected to environmental assessments so that the identified adverse impacts can be eliminated or mitigated. The introduction of a new non-toxic biological Mosquito Larvicide into Uganda is one of the projects listed in the Third Schedule of NEA Cap 153, specifically No. 8, Agriculture, including - (b) use of new pesticides.ES .4.9Project Brief Objectives The objective of the project brief is therefore:1) To inform NEMA of the comprehensive consultations done with the relevant stakeholders including, among others, InRAD Corporation, Authorities responsible for management of sensitive/fragile areas (i.e. rivers, streams, wetlands, forests, among others), such as Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Department of Occupational Safety and Health/ Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Directorate of Water Resources Management/Ministry of Water and Environment and ensure that the views of persons consulted are well documented and appended to the Project Brief (refer to Chapter 6 section 6.3 and Appendix I);2) Provide a detailed description of SAFE® product and the laboratory tests/review from accredited local laboratories (ie Government Analyst refer to Appendix D, National Drug Authority refer to Appendix C, Natural Chemotherapeutics Research Institute refer Appendix E);3) Predict environmental and social Impacts (i.e. positive and negative) and evaluation of significant environmental effects requiring attention of InRAD Corporation and or their authorized agents/distributorsâ during importation/manufacture/application of the mosquito larvicide;4) Propose proper, effective mitigation strategies including the consideration of alternative opinions, and the extent to which this will avoid or reduce significant effects. The mitigation strategy shall identify and propose mitigation and management measures to control impacts on land, water quality, air quality, noise, biological, ecological and cultural features;ES .4.10Structure of the Project BriefThis Project Brief is divided into the following chapters:Chapter 1: Gives an introduction.Chapter 2: Presents the criteria and methodology used in assessing the impacts identified.Chapter 3: Outlines the relevant policy, legal and institutional framework with a bearing to the proposed importation/introduction of Mosquito larvae pesticide into Uganda.Chapter 4: Product Description.Chapter 5: Presents the controlled evaluation of SAFE® in Uganda report and findings. Chapter 6: Presents a summary of public and stakeholder consultation framework. Chapter 7: Presents Evaluation of project needs and Alternatives.Chapter 8: Presents the Identified, predicted impacts, and provides an evaluation of these impacts on the environment and the proposed mitigation measures.Chapter 9: Presents an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and an Environmental monitoring plan (EMP).Chapter 10: Presents major recommendations and conclusions.

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