Background: Although conceptualisation of addiction varies with time and culture, literature on intercultural studies between high and low income countries is scarce. This article uses Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5 guidelines on diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and the Capability Opportunity Motivation - Behaviour (COM-B) model to explore perspectives on alcohol addiction and its facilitating factors in Uganda and Belgium. Method: Sixty qualitative interviews (40 with service providers and 20 service users) were administered in four alcohol treatment centres, two in Uganda and two in Belgium. Interviews were transcribed and analysed thematically using Nvivo software. Result: While addiction was primarily regarded as a disease enabled by capability factors (affordability and the absence of life and social skills) by Belgian respondents, many Ugandans viewed it as a moral or criminal issue; motivated by the varied roles of informal alcohol use amidst weak restrictions. Opportunity-related factors including; acceptability, availability, media influence, cultural/religious beliefs and practices and peer influence were recognised as facilitating factors in both countries, while stigma was equally prevalent. Conclusion: Interventions in Uganda could explore strengthening legislation and research on utilisation of the well-entrenched religious and cultural institutions to encourage alternatives to alcohol use. In Belgium, promotion of life and social skills, alcohol regulation in educational institutions and other demand reduction strategies seem essential to delay the onset of (mis)use. In both societies; general reduction of opportunities for access, early intervention, programmes for young persons and prevention of stigma through awareness-raising can be explored for mitigation of AUD.