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Strengthening Health and Safety of sex Workers in the Rwenzori Region-Western Uganda

Published: March 10, 2025
Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs

In partnership with HIVOS, Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs (KAFOP) isimplementing a two years project titled âStrengthening health and safety of sex workers in theRwenzori Region of Western Uganda. The project commenced on 1st June 2013 and will beending 30th July 2015. HIVOS contributed EUR 50,000 for the implementation of the project;this reporting period covers the month of January to December 2014.KAFOP is a pioneer Civil Society Organization in the Rwenzori region that work with sexualminorities, our Programs values diversity and inclusion which is the center of our Values.The World Health Organizations(WHO) in December 2012 among its recommendations onessential partners and leaders in effective HIV and sexual health programs for sex workers;recommended that solutions be developed that can respond to the realities of the environments inwhich sex workers live and work; and that Laws that directly or indirectly criminalize orpenalize sex workers, their clients and third parties can undermine the effectiveness of HIV andsexual health programs; and limit the ability of sex workers and their clients to seek and benefitfrom health programs, WHO concluded that sex work should be decriminalized.KAFOP work to improve the health and human rights of Sexual minorities by promoting theirrights and reducing violence against them through creating awareness on fundamental humanrights in communities and building relationship through dialog with the local leaders. The sexualminorities include LGBTI persons and sex workers are entitled to the same fundamental rightsand freedoms which are enjoyed by everyone else. However, the reality is different; the lives ofsexual minorities in Uganda have been trapped in a vicious circle of discrimination, threats,abuse and injustice for too long."

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