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Treatment failure and drug resistance is more frequent in HIV-1 subtype D versus subtype A-infected Ugandans over a 10-year study period

Journal Article
Published: March 10, 2025
Kityo C
Mugyenyi P
Kyeyune F
Nankya I
Ndashimye E
Salata RA
Arts EJ
JCRC Drug Resistance Working Grp
Metha S
Akao J
Tebit DM
Rodriguez B

Objectives: To determine the impact of HIV-1 subtype on treatment outcomes and the emergence of drug resistance in the resource limited setting of Kampala, Uganda.Design: The Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC) in Kampala, Uganda has provided over 2000 drug-resistant genotypes (DRGs) over the past 10 years as standard of care for patients failing therapy and 1403 from treatment-naive and experienced patients over the past 10 years have been analyzed for this study.Method: Viral loads, CD4 cell count, treatment histories and other relevant clinical data was compared with the infecting HIV-1 subtype and DRGs of Ugandan patients failing treatment.Results: Patients failing HAART with DRGs (n=937) were more frequently infected with subtype D than expected on the basis of the subtype distribution in the treatment-naive population (n=655) in Kampala (P<0.001). Higher proportions of treatment failures among subtype D-infected patients were driven by resistance to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) (P<0.0002) more than to non-NRTIs (P>0.04) or protease inhibitors.Conclusion: Higher rates of treatment failure among subtype D as compared with subtype A-infected Ugandans was analogous to the faster disease progression in subtype D-infected patients. The mechanism(s) by which drug resistance may emerge faster in subtype D HIV-1 may relate to higher replicative fitness and increased propensity for a CXCR4 tropism. (C) 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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