Background: The pandemic has put a huge strain on people's mental health, with varying restrictionsaffecting people's lives. Little is known how the pandemic affects older adults' mental health,particularly those living in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) where restrictions are affectingpeople's access to basic necessities. Thus, the aim of this 3-country study was to understand the longterm impacts of the pandemic on the mental well-being of older adults with and without dementia inLMICs.Methods: We are collecting 30 baseline and 15 follow-up interviews with older adults (aged 60+),people with dementia, and family carers in Colombia, India, and Uganda, as well as a baseline andfollow-up focus group with health and social are professionals in each country. Interviews are conductedremotely over the phone due to pandemic restrictions, with data collection taking place between Marchand July 2021. Transcripts are translated into English before being analysed using thematic analysis.Results: To date, we have completed close to 90 baseline interviews and 3 focus groups with health andsocial care professionals. Analysis is ongoing, but findings are capturing the detrimental second wave inIndia and follow-up interviews will capture the longitudinal impacts on mental health. Conclusions: Whilst vaccines are starting to be rolled out in LMICs, albeit at different rates, the virus willlikely take much longer to be somewhat managed in LMICs. This leaves more room for people's physicalas well as mental health to be impacted by the restrictions, and with often limited mental health servicecoverage, it is all the more important o understand the impact of the pandemic on older people'smental health.