Describe important changes in the context of the project or program. Also comment on the implications for implementation.The first half of 2021 has been a very interesting period in every sense, with a number of highs and lows. Some of our major highlights within the period include the following:ï· 189 children rescued/ intercepted within this reporting period (Rescued = 119; Intercepted = 70);ï· 78 children successfully reintegrated in safe families and communities;ï· 205 children and youths received school fees, scholastic materials and psychosocial support to increase their access to education within this reporting period, although access was still disrupted by the national lockdown;ï· Over 2,295 community members engaged through positive parenting trainings, community dialogues, community case conferences and radio talk shows on prevention of child trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in Napak district;ï· Secured funds and started the construction of the Girlsâ Dormitory in Buloba;ï· Secured funds to fully furnish Lomaratoit Primary School;ï· Secured funds to provide COVID 19 relief food packages to over 355 vulnerable families on our support program;ï· Strengthened partnerships that resulted ino the mass rescue and rehabilitation of 161 street connected children during the national lockdown; ando plans to repatriate 42 Karamojong girls trafficked to Nairobi for exploitation.