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Tackling the Realities of Protracted Displacement Case Studies on What s Working and Where We Can Do Better

Published: March 10, 2025
Cindy Huang
Sarah Charles
Lauren Post
Gough Kate

The international community has come together in new ways to address forced displacementâone of the biggest challenges of the early twenty-first century. A series of high-level events in 2016 acknowledged record levels of displacement, and international actors responded with concrete commitments that recognized the protracted nature of displacement, the centrality of host governments, and the need to support the well-being and self-reliance of both refugees and host populations. Refugee compacts, such as those first deployed in Jordan and Lebanon, are a new model for bringing together a range of actors, flexible financing, and other investments in support of countries hosting significant numbers of refugees. At the same time, the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) is shepherding the first Global Compact on Refugees, which includes a Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) that similarly promises to bridge the humanitarian-development divide. This policy brief examines progress since the 2016 convenings, including how partnerships and financingâ especially implementation of the CRRF and World Bank financingâare playing out on the ground. It examines initial efforts in Ethiopia and Uganda, where the CRRF is being piloted and World Bank financing has been approved, and takes stock of the latest progress in Jordan, where the compact is entering the third year of implementation. Host governments, the World Bank, UNHCR, and their partners should be commended for novel approaches to a difficult global challenge. But there is much room for improvement in execution. Experience so far indicates that overall governance structures are fragmented; goals, policy changes, and program plans are not yet clear or fully aligned with resourcesâand there are few mechanisms holding all actors to account for achieving results for refugees and their hosts. This brief makes four overarching recommendations to address these challenges and ensure implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees and World Bank financing leads to positive changes in the lives and livelihoods of refugees and host communities: 1. Define shared outcomes and targets at the global and country levels. It is not yet possible to systematically assess if efforts are improving the lives of refugees and their hosts. Agreement on collective outcomes and shared targets is required to ensure approaches are complementary and have impact. Country-level target setting should not wait for 2019, when the Global Compact on Refugees is expected to incorporate global indicators. 2. Engage a wide range of stakeholders through improved partnership and coordination models. Effective stakeholder engagement is critical to avoid duplication of effort, encourage broader support for projects, promote learning between stakeholders with different expertise and perspectives, and ensure refugees concerns are adequately addressed. An improved model should empower line ministries, local government and municipalities, NGOs, and refugee and hosting populations in the decision-making process. 3. Conduct joint analysis and planning to align approaches and processes, and ensure actions are responsive to refugee and host needs. All actors should use the government-led CRRF to align analysis, planning, and funding. Standardized tools should be used to identify needs and constraints to achieving shared outcomes. This process should be accompanied by an explicit exchange of knowledge and expertise among development and traditional refugee-response actors. Truly joint planning will mitigate the risk of actors using new financing to simply expand existing programs and approaches. 4. Put in place clear accountability mechanisms. The proposal of ministerial-level refugee summits in the first draft of the Global Compact on Refugees is a good start, and must be accompanied by a set of shared outcomes against which to measure progress, as well as accurate, timely data to support such measurement. Host governments, donors, and implementers will also need to work together to increase transparency on financial flows and their impact. INTRODUCTION The international community is by now well acquainted with the challenges of historic levels of forced displacement. As reflected in the rise of anti-immigrant parties in Europe and cycles of displacement and conflict in South Sudan and Afghanistan, forced displacement can have complex and wide-reaching economic, social, and political effects. Indeed, displacement can be a cause and consequence of fragility, conflict, and crisis. Left unaddressed or poorly managed, these realities canâand haveâbecome some of the most significant challenges facing the twenty-first century. Approximately 84 percent of the world s 22.5 million refugees are hosted by developing countries, which are already struggling to meet the development needs of their citizens. Their commitment is often a medium- to long-term one: on average, refugees have been displaced from their home for 10 years; for those who have been displaced for five or more years, the average jumps to more than 20 years. By hosting refugees, countries are providing benefits to the broader region and global community. Recognizing these spillover benefits, development donors have started to invest in responding to forced displacement, even in a difficult fiscal environment. At a series of high-level events in 2016, the international community came together to address record levels of displacement and made concrete commitments that recognize the protracted nature of displacement, the centrality of host governments, and the need to support the well-being and self-reliance of both refugees and host populations. These events included the Supporting Syria and the Region conference in London, the World Humanitarian Summit, the Leaders Summit on Refugees, and the UN General Assembly adoption of the New York Declaration, which included the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and laid the groundwork for the 2018 negotiation of the Global Compact on Refugees. Among the many actors engaged in responding to protracted displacement, the World Bank has emerged as a new and catalytic actor and partner to UNHCR. Through establishment of two new mechanisms to support refugee-hosting countriesâthe Global Concessional Financing Facility (GCFF) and an IDA18 subwindowâ the World Bank is providing critical leadership, expertise, and multi-year financing to forge more sustainable solutions. Two years on from the 2016 convenings, and amid the Global Compact on Refugees negotiations, this brief reviews how these efforts, and the simultaneous roll out of the CRRF and new World Bank financing in particular, are playing out on the ground. As the international community confronts the next set of global challenges, it is critical to learn from past experiments and identify successes, shortcomings, and best practices.

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