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Most Influential Medical Publications of the Last 20 Years (1990-2012): a Collection from Journals with the Highest Impact Factor

Journal Article
Published: March 10, 2025
Badaoui Alima
Byiringiro Fidele

As the performance of the clinical medicine relies on evidence-based facts as well as particular landmark researches; this collection of influential medical articles that changed and/or guided most current recommendations used in the daily basis of clinical medicine gives the top spotlight of new trends of management and treatment. The compilation is made from a search into MEDLINE; PubMed; DynaMed; CINAHL; and Academic Search Premier as well as systematically from reference lists of studies and relevant reviews. The inclusion criterion was based on the impact factor of publishing journals that were mostly renowned magazines; which expresses a measurement of the frequency that an article has been cited during a period of time. 478 articles classified according to specialties and sub-specialties were collected from 103 medical journals published approximately in a period of 20 years (1990-2012). In fact; referral materials (Books et Encyclopedias; on-line links; etc) sustained the selecting process that; although we assume exhaustive in the methodology used; but exiguous considered how challengeable and quickly-progressing clinical researches are; gave the most eventful recent researches that had influenced the clinical Medicine. However; opinions expressed within articles compiled are not necessary gold standards or landmarking facts; though they open the perspective on multiple interchangeable evidence-based factors that guide the universal tendency upon the medical management. Thus; regarded how fast medical researches and new facts progress; we recommend checking furthermore on diagnostic and treatment new approaches

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