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AIDS Information Centre-Uganda Annual Report 2010:

Published: March 10, 2025

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYAIDS Information Centre-Uganda (AIC) is operating its five-year strategic Plan for 2009-2014 that considers the need to reduce new HIV infections (incidence) by 40% by 2012 as the cornerstone of the National Strategic Plan (NSP). AIC outputs were designed to contribute to meeting the Millennium Development goal number 6 which aims at combating HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases. During 2010, AIC continued to contribute to HIV prevention under the NSP through activities aimed at providing universal knowledge on HIV counseling and testing.In the very year, AIC continued to put special attention to supporting HIV prevention measures that are mostly result cost effective. The organization also continued to expand her scope in providing HIV counseling and testing, care and support to all her clients. HIV & AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis remained the main focus of medical services in the organization. The statistics below reflect AICâs main achievements during the year. 404,204 received HIV counseling and testing and received their results. 41,976 couples were counseled and tested and received results. 11,346 prisoners across the country received HCT and got their results. 40,720 individuals received Abstinence and Being faithful messages through KYHSC clubs, drama and other PTC activities and as part of HCT. 1,549 couples were found HIV discordant in CHCT. 597,083 pieces of condoms were distributed to individuals. 12,485 clients received basic care packages. 16,487 HIV positive clients were screened for TB. 3,030 TB patients were counseled and tested for HIV. 1,275 TB clients co-infected with HIV had their CD4 tests done. 2,291 TB/HIV co-infected clients were referred for Anti retro viral therapy. 901 participants benefitted from different training programmes. Implementation of HIV interventions during 2010 remained within the framework of Ugandaâs multi-sectoral response to HIV. This process has laid a firm foundation for continued interventions that contribute to national efforts to address HIV and AIDS, improving quality of life, and access to HIV prevention, care and support services. For 2011 therefore, AIC will continue to focus on consolidating her efforts in cost effective interventions that will enable her to make meaningful contributions to national efforts in reducing the burden of HIV and AIDS, TB and malaria in Uganda. Dr. Raymond Byaruhanga EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

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