Background: The possible clinical application of specific cytokines and chemokines contributing to tumorigenesis and the clinical outcome of several cancers has been reported. However, less invasive and easily applicable biomarkers …
In infectious disease diagnosis, results need to be communicated rapidly to healthcare professionals once testing has been completed so that care pathways can be implemented. This represents a particular challenge …
Prediction models are important tools that can assist public health in evidence-based decision-making. Disease burden estimates for Uganda are currently based on only reported cases and rough estimates from seasonal …
Background: Vitamin D deficiency has been reported among patients with tuberculosis in Africa despite abundantsunshine. Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in improving anti tuberculosis immunity, reducing progression andseverity of …
Objective: To assess safety associated with tubal ligation performed by trained clinical officers (COs) in rural Uganda. Methods: Between March and June 2012, 518 women in 4 regions of Uganda …
The World Report on Disability recommends more involvement of people with disabilities in research. However, the lead article by Wylie, McAllister, Davidson, and Marshall (2013) has not addressed issues relating …
While still a student the author spent some time working in Uganda where patient monitoring technology is rare. It became apparent that, despite three years of nursing training, the author …
ObjectivesThe purpose and objective of this research was to explore the prevalence of antibodies against Brucella species in raw milk samples collected in Southwestern Uganda, one of the biggest milk …
A variety of injectable therapies are now available for usein patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus, when metforminalone proves inadequate. These injecta ble therapiesinclude basal insulins, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptoragonists …
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) remain a leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Apabetalone is an orally available inhibitor of bromodomain & extraterminal (BET) …