LEIDEN Abstract: This article highlights some of the findings of a survey carried out by Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA) Uganda on health sector transparency, accountability …
BackgroundAdherence is one of the main determinants of PrEP effi-cacy. Most PrEP studies applied subjective adherencemeasures, which often produce overestimates and proble-matic efficacy data interpretation; creating a need formore objective …
Background: Untimely, incomplete and inaccurate data are common challenges in planning, monitoring and evaluation of health sector performance, and health service delivery in many sub-Saharan African settings. We document Uganda's …
Background: Most developing countries, including Uganda, have embraced the use of e-Health and m-Health applications as a means to improve primary healthcare delivery and public health for their populace. In …
Background: There are few telemedicine projects in Africa that have reached scale. One of the reasons proposed for this has been failure to assess health provider readiness for telemedicine prior …
Introduction There is high unmet need for family planning (FP) in Uganda as well as high contraceptive discontinuation rates. These contribute to the high fertility rates that in part are …
Background: Although male circumcision reduces the heterosexual HIV transmission risk, its effect may be attenuated if circumcised men increase sexual risk behaviours (SRB) due to perceived low risk. In Uganda …
BackgroundAlthough male circumcision reduces the heterosexual HIV transmission risk, its effect may be attenuated if circumcised men increase sexual risk behaviours (SRB) due to perceived low risk. In Uganda information …