<bold>Background: </bold>High attrition and irregular testing for HIV in cohort studies for high-risk populations can bias incidence estimates. We compare incidence trends for high-risk women attending a dedicated HIV prevention …
Background: High attrition and irregular testing for HIV in cohort studies for high-riskpopulations can bias incidence estimates. We compare incidence trends for high-risk womenattending a dedicated HIV prevention and treatment …
Background: There is limited evidence on the relationship between sustained exposure of female sex workers (FSWs) to targeted HIV programmes and HIV incidence. We investigate the relationship between the number …
In April 2008, foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks were reported in Kamuli district of the eastern region of Uganda. Soon after lifting the quarantines in this area, further FMD outbreaks were …
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediation effect of employee engagement on the relationship between employer obligations, employee obligations and state of the psychological contract …
Background: Uganda is prone to outbreaks of zoonoses that threaten lives and livelihoods. Integration of surveillance activities across relevant sectors enhances prevention, detection, and response to Priority Zoonotic Diseases (PZDs). …
In line with Resolution AFR/RC50/ R3 (Promoting the role of traditional medicine in health systems: A strategy for the African Region; 2000); Member States took steps between 2001 and 2012 …
Employing a comparative case study and using state effectiveness as a conceptual framework, this research explores malaria and its control in Uganda and Rwanda. These two neighbouring countries, which share …
We present the case of a 64-year-old male with a 3-month history of a mass involving the distal portion of the fifth finger on the left hand which was histologically …