Stakeholders play an important role in health priority setting, and their roles have been discussed in the literature, mainly in relationship to their power. An emerging body of literature is …
BackgroundThere is increasing acceptance of the importance of social values like equity and fairness in health care priority setting (PS). However, equity is difficult to define; it means different things …
The COVID-19 pandemic, where the need-resource gap has necessitated decision makers in some contexts to ration access to life-saving interventions, has demonstrated the critical need for systematic and fair priority …
Priority setting represents an even bigger challenge during public health emergencies than routine times. This is because such emergencies compete with routine programmes for the available health resources, strain health …
Background: The burden of malaria remains high for children in parts of Africa despite the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). Chemoprevention has the potential of reducing the malaria burden; …
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT Abstract: Malaria in pregnancy is associated with maternal morbidity, placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes. However, data are limited on the relationships between longitudinal measure of malaria during …
BackgroundMalaria in pregnancy has been associated with maternal morbidity, placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes. However, data are limited on the relationships between longitudinal measures of malaria during pregnancy, measures …
MEDLINE Abstract: BACKGROUND:<BR>Malaria in pregnancy has been associated with maternal morbidity, placental malaria, and adverse birth outcomes. However, data are limited on the relationships between longitudinal measures of malaria during …
Dear Sirs,We thank Shailendra Kapoor for his commentary onour publication titled âSevere mental illness atantiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation is associated withworse retention in HIV care among Ugandan adultsâ(Nachega et al. …
BackgroundStrategies to identify and treat undiagnosed prevalent cases that have not sought diagnostic services on their own, are necessary to treat TB in patients earlier and interrupt transmission. Late presentation …