La granulomatose de Wegener est une vascularite granulomateuse systemique rare; surtout chez les sujets de race noire. Nous rapportons une observation d'une granulomatose de Wegener revelee par une fievre chronique …
Background. Although households of tuberculosis (TB) cases represent a setting for intense transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, household exposure accounts for <20% of transmission within a community. The aim of this …
Background Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) is con-sidered a primary treatment modality for achalasia. It canbe performed using either the anterior or posterior ap-proach. A previous randomized clinical trial (RCT) showedthat …
This practice paper outlines key results from research conducted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in East Africa from 2012 to 2016. Implemented in …
Overview of the evidence for couples-basedHIV preventionNew evidence is challenging the conventional approach to HIV preventionthrough individual behavior change. First, epidemiological trends indicatethat half of new HIV infections in some …
Objectifs: Evaluer les resultats de d'uretrorraphie termino-terminale dans le traitement des stenoses de l'uretre bulbaire et membraneux a travers l'etude de la serie de notre service et une revue recente …
Background: The importance of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections in humans and animals in sub-Saharan Africa at the human-environment-livestock-wildlife interface has recently received increased attention. NTM are environmental opportunistic pathogens of …
Background The Uganda Sickle Surveillance Study provided evidence for a large sickle burden among HIV-exposed infants in Uganda. To date, however, no large scale screening program has been developed for …
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) remain a leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Apabetalone is an orally available inhibitor of bromodomain & extraterminal (BET) …