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4019 results found
Laparoscopic intracorporeal rectus aponeuroplasty (LIRA technique): a step forward in minimally invasive abdominal wall reconstruction for ventral hernia repair (LVHR)
Gomez-Menchero J, Jurado JFG, Grau JMS, Luque JAB, Moreno JLG, del Agua IA, Morales-Conde S
DOI: 10.1007/s00464-018-6070-y

Closing the defect (CD) during laparoscopic ventral hernia repair began to be performed in order to decrease seroma, to improve the functionality of the abdominal wall, and to decrease the …

Does access to credit services influence availability of essential child medicines and licensing status among private medicine retail outlets in Uganda?
Kabunga L N, Mujasi P
DOI: 10.1186/s40545-017-0116-8

AbstractBackground: Despite making great progress in reducing under five mortality in the last three decades. Uganda stillranks high among countries with the highest under five mortality rates. More than a …

PrEP Discontinuation and Prevention-Effective Adherence: Experiences of PrEP Users in Ugandan HIV Serodiscordant Couples
Haberer JE, Gilbert HN, Wyatt MA, Pisarski EE, Muwonge TR, Heffron R, Katabira ET, Celum CL, Baeten JM, Ware NC
DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002139

Background: Optimal adherence to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention involves aligning consistent PrEP use with periods of risk to achieve prevention-effective adherence. Prevention-effective adherence is predicated on individuals …

POLICY BRIEF: The case for clarifying the law on termination of pregnancy in the revision of the Penal Code

The Constitution of Uganda provides in Article 22(2) that âNo person has the rightto terminate the life of an unborn child except as may be authorized by lawâ. Twentyyears later, …

P241âUgandan men with urethritis, what can diagnostic certainty tell us?
Hamill M, Manabe Y, Melendez J, Kyambadde P, Onzia A, Atuheirwe M, Wang T
DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-sti.323

BackgroundLaboratory infrastructure is limited in Uganda; syndromic case management is used to treat sexually transmitted infections (STI). Progress in addressing the HIV epidemic is threatened by uncontrolled STI transmission. We …

Improving student midwives' practice learning in Uganda through action research: the MOMENTUM project
Kemp Joy, Shaw Eleanor, Nanjego Sarah, Mondeh Kade

Background and context: The Royal College of Midwives is engaged in a long-term twinning partnershipwith the Uganda Private Midwives Association. Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the worldand …

Review of The secret:Love, marriage and HIV
JohnsonâHanks Jennifer
DOI: 10.1111/j.1728-4465.2010.00258.x

Reviews the book, The secret: Love, marriage, and HIV by Jennifer S. Hirsch and her coauthors (see record [rid]2009-07385-000[/rid]). Extramarital sex is common, but not commonly studied despite its practical …

Incidence, risk factors and risk prediction of hospital-acquired suspected adverse drug reactions: A prospective cohort of Ugandan inpatients
Karamagi C, Kiguba R, Bird S M
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010568

Objectives: To determine the incidence and riskfactors of hospital-acquired suspected adverse drugreactions (ADRs) among Ugandan inpatients. We alsoconstructed risk scores to predict and qualitativelyassess for peculiarities between low-risk and high-riskADR …

Attachment therapy: Are we truly doing âno harmâ?
Haney K.M.
DOI: 10.1111/cpsp.12379
Apabetalone downregulates fibrotic, inflammatory and calcific processes in renal mesangial cells which may contribute to reduced cardiac events observed in ckd patients
Gilham D., Fu L., Rakai B., Wasiak S., Tsujikawa L., Halliday C., Sarsons C., Stotz S., Jahagirdar R., Johansson J., Sweeney M., Wong N., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kulikowski E.
DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfab078.008

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) remain a leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Apabetalone is an orally available inhibitor of bromodomain & extraterminal (BET) …

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